8 Habits Women Need to Live Longer, Healthier, and Happier Lives

As women, we often forget we aren’t invisible. We wake up each day with a list of to-dos longer than we can reasonably accomplish. We excel at scrounging up the time to help friends and family. And while we may be good at juggling responsibilities, we can’t forget that we’re human.

Our health and happiness depend on being able to take a step back and remember that we must care for ourselves first. Here are 8 habits women need to live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

Focus on a Balanced Diet

Eating well-balanced meals doesn’t mean you have to follow a strict diet. It simply means paying attention to the types and amounts of food you eat.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and choose healthy carbs and fats. Oats are an example of a healthy carb option, while avocados and cheese have excellent fat content.

Fiber is also vital for our bodies and keeps bowel movements regular. It works to promote healthy gut flora and has been found to prevent some chronic health conditions. Barley, beans, nuts, and fruits are all great fiber options.

Your diet should also include protein sources like lean beef and pork, fish, chicken, beans, and legumes. Getting adequate protein helps repair your muscles and tissues and is a stable source of energy.

Have a sweet tooth? That’s perfectly fine. Delight in these foods occasionally. The key is to develop the self-control to stop after one piece of cake, and not three!

Add Movement into your Routine

Staying active can prevent many chronic diseases, like high blood pressure and diabetes. Not only that, but it can also help manage everyday stress and anxiety.

Similar to diet, you don’t need to be strict with your exercise regimen. Listen to your body. Some may prefer high-endurance workouts, but simple activities like pilates and yoga may work better for you. You may choose to skip the gym and add a morning walk to your routine.

Just getting your body moving each day can create an incredible change in your health.

Adopt a Healthy Sleep Pattern

With 10% to 30% of adults and 30% to 48% of older adults suffering from insomnia, it’s not abnormal to struggle with getting a good night’s rest. In fact, women are at a 40% increased risk for insomnia, according to this study.

Having a healthy sleep pattern means changing your lifestyle to promote quality sleep. Some of the best tips for better rest include limiting caffeine in the afternoon, avoiding electronics in the evening, and going to bed at the same time each night.

Even with healthy sleep patterns, you may struggle to get a good night’s rest. If this is the case, you may consider adding a natural supplement to support a healthy sleep cycle, like these Melatonin CBD Oil Softgels.

Practice Self-Care

We’ve all heard it before, but sometimes we need a little reminder. Self-care is not selfish! It’s important to put yourself first and take time to care for your mind and body. When you feel like your best self, you can help others become their best selves as well.

Self-care can be anything from relaxing on the couch with a good book to carving out time to soak in the bathtub before bed. Plan a night out with friends every month. Whatever it may be, it’s important that it’s something that makes you feel good.

Allow Time for Reflection

Reflection is a practice that forces you to slow down and digest your day. Sometimes the chaos of life leaves you anxious. This causes poor sleep, which leads to a continuous cycle of fatigue and feelings of overwhelm.

Slow down. Think about what you’re grateful for. Think about what you would do differently if you could, but don’t over-analyze. The key is to take time to really process your day.

Reflection can be a quiet time where you spend 5-10 minutes to yourself, or it could mean writing in a journal. Sometimes it’s easy to forget the progress we’ve made in life. Jotting down some quick notes each day is a great exercise that gives you something to look back on later.

Get Fresh Air Regularly

Spending time outdoors is good for your bodies in several ways. The increase in oxygen allows our lungs to expand and clear. As our oxygen levels increase, our blood becomes more oxygenated. This ensures our organs are receiving the oxygen they need to function properly.

Fresh air can increase brain function and boost concentration, which leads to better cognitive ability. When outside, you’re also soaking in some much-needed Vitamin D, which many are deficient in. Low vitamin D can contribute to tiredness, body pain, and mood changes.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is having the ability to stay aware and present in each moment, paying close attention to little details like sounds, smells, and other sensations. This practice helps reduce stress, improve focus, and manage emotions.

Here are a few simple ways to incorporate mindfulness into your day:

  • Start your morning with a 5-minute meditation
  • Focus on your food at mealtime, paying attention to the colors, textures, and taste
  • Take time each evening to count your blessings

Manage your Stress and Anxiety

We all handle stress and anxiety differently, but it’s important that we do just that. Learn to handle it. Long-term stress is dangerous and can lead to heart problems and more serious mental health conditions.

Learn what triggers your anxious feelings. Take the time to set healthy habits in place for managing these emotions when you become overwhelmed. You may choose to take a time-out and remove yourself from the stressful environment to gather your thoughts. Focusing on the positives of every situation can help you take control.

If anxious thoughts still control you, consider adding a supplement to help manage stress levels. These CBD Softgels promote balance within the body and provide an overall calming effect.

Have a habit that has changed your life? Let us know what healthy practice you’ve incorporated into your routine!

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