How to Make 2022 the Best Year Yet
2022 is right around the corner, and with a new year comes new possibilities. If you’re ready to put your mental and physical wellbeing at the forefront in the new year, read our tips for making 2022 the best year yet.
Ditch the New Year’s resolutions.
January is the time when most people set resolutions – lose X amount of weight, eat healthy, stop smoking, etc. And while we might start the year full of enthusiasm and optimism for those resolutions, we eventually lose momentum and abandon them just as fast as we made them. That’s because we set vague goals without a real plan of action behind them, and it ultimately sets us up for failure. So ditch the resolutions altogether! Think about what you truly want and what you can realistically do to achieve it. For example, if you want to become a vegan in the new year, you can start by eating meat only once a day and slowly reducing that amount until you reach your goal. Rather than setting an unattainable and strict resolution, create small, attainable milestones that will help you reach your goal.
Revisit your gratitude list.
Setting goals isn't your thing? That’s okay too. Oftentimes, when we create resolutions or goals for the new year, we lose sight of everything we have in the present. Writing gratitude lists can remind you of the good things in your life, no matter how big or small they are. Take a few moments each day to reflect on the small moments that bring you joy and write them down. The simple act of making gratitude lists can lead to a happier, more content life, and having a physical reminder of the things that bring you joy can help ground you in difficult times.
Put an end to the negative self-talk.
Growing up, we often heard the phrase “treat others the way you want to be treated”. This taught us to be kind and respectful to our peers, but we often forget that the opposite is true as well: we must show ourselves the same love and kindness that we want others to show us. Negative self talk is a difficult habit to break, and for some people, shifting to completely positive self talk is extremely challenging. So rather than moving to the opposite end of the spectrum, simply start with neutral affirmations. By using statements that are neutral but true, you can still improve your self esteem and self confidence. Here are a few examples:
- “I am okay today.”
- “I am okay in this moment.”
- “Now that I know, I can do better.
- “This is what I can handle right now.”
- “It’s okay to ask for support.”
- “I am working on accepting myself just as I am.”
Once you’ve learned to be neutral, you can work toward true self love and positive self talk.
Cut yourself some slack.
It’s great to set goals for yourself, but sometimes, we can become obsessed with the idea of perfection. And when things don’t go according to plan or you don’t meet those goals you set, it can be difficult to give yourself a break. So in the new year, take a moment to show yourself some grace in the face of your mistakes or failures. No one is perfect, but everyone experiences setbacks. You’re only human, after all.
Take care of yourself.
The last two years have been a difficult time for us all. So in the new year, the most important commitment you can make is to yourself. Prioritize your mental and physical wellness in the new year using self care practices that make you feel like your best self. Try meditating each morning to start the day with a sense of peace. Find a hobby or activity that brings you joy and is just for you, not your family or your partner. You can also incorporate CBD products, like our Everyday CBD Softgels or Organic CBD Oil Drops, into your daily routine to support restful sleep and a sense of calm & focus. No matter what self care looks like to you, now is the time to care for your mind, body and spirit.